A method of selecting charging diode and some diodes that we have used successfully are reported also. 文章介绍了如何选择充电二极管及一些国产硅二极管在高压功率调制器中的使用情况。
In conventional charging circuit of solar lighting system, the solar cell is often connected to battery by a blockading diode, which will cause poor efficiency of solar energy, and it will also make the battery lack of charging, thus shorten its life. 在传统的太阳能路灯系统中,通常经过防电流倒灌二极管将太阳能板与蓄电池直接相连,这将导致太阳能板的利用效率低,同时容易使蓄电池长期处于欠充满状态,造成其使用寿命的缩减。